Extracts error messages from the internal data base and returns them in a table.

  ids = NULL,
  missing.as.error = FALSE,
  reg = getDefaultRegistry()



[data.frame or integer]
A data.frame (or data.table) with a column named “job.id”. Alternatively, you may also pass a vector of integerish job ids. If not set, defaults to the return value of findErrors. Invalid ids are ignored.


Treat missing results as errors? If TRUE, the error message “[not terminated]” is imputed for jobs which have not terminated. Default is FALSE


Registry. If not explicitly passed, uses the default registry (see setDefaultRegistry).


[data.table] with columns “job.id”, “terminated” (logical), “error” (logical) and “message” (string).

See also

Other debug: getStatus(), grepLogs(), killJobs(), resetJobs(), showLog(), testJob()


batchtools:::example_push_temp(1) tmp = makeRegistry(file.dir = NA, make.default = FALSE)
#> No readable configuration file found
#> Created registry in '/tmp/batchtools-example/reg' using cluster functions 'Interactive'
fun = function(i) if (i == 3) stop(i) else i ids = batchMap(fun, i = 1:5, reg = tmp)
#> Adding 5 jobs ...
submitJobs(1:4, reg = tmp)
#> Submitting 4 jobs in 4 chunks using cluster functions 'Interactive' ...
#> Error in (function (i) : 3
waitForJobs(1:4, reg = tmp)
#> [1] FALSE
getErrorMessages(ids, reg = tmp)
#> job.id terminated error message #> 1: 1 TRUE FALSE <NA> #> 2: 2 TRUE FALSE <NA> #> 3: 3 TRUE TRUE Error in (function (i) : 3 #> 4: 4 TRUE FALSE <NA> #> 5: 5 FALSE FALSE <NA>
getErrorMessages(ids, missing.as.error = TRUE, reg = tmp)
#> job.id terminated error message #> 1: 1 TRUE FALSE <NA> #> 2: 2 TRUE FALSE <NA> #> 3: 3 TRUE TRUE Error in (function (i) : 3 #> 4: 4 TRUE FALSE <NA> #> 5: 5 FALSE TRUE [not terminated]