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makeAssertCollection() reportAssertions()
Collect multiple assertions
Check if an object contains infinite values
allMissing() anyMissing()
Check if an object contains missing values
Check if an object contains NaN values
asInteger() asCount() asInt()
Convert an argument to an integer
Combine multiple checks into one assertion
checkAccess() check_access() assertAccess() assert_access() testAccess() test_access() expect_access()
Check file system access rights
checkArray() check_array() assertArray() assert_array() testArray() test_array() expect_array()
Check if an argument is an array
checkAtomic() check_atomic() assertAtomic() assert_atomic() testAtomic() test_atomic() expect_atomic()
Check that an argument is an atomic vector
checkAtomicVector() check_atomic_vector() assertAtomicVector() assert_atomic_vector() testAtomicVector() test_atomic_vector() expect_atomic_vector()
Check that an argument is an atomic vector
checkCharacter() check_character() assertCharacter() assert_character() testCharacter() test_character() expect_character()
Check if an argument is a vector of type character
checkChoice() check_choice() assertChoice() assert_choice() testChoice() test_choice() expect_choice()
Check if an object is an element of a given set
checkClass() check_class() assertClass() assert_class() testClass() test_class() expect_class()
Check the class membership of an argument
checkComplex() check_complex() assertComplex() assert_complex() testComplex() test_complex() expect_complex()
Check if an argument is a vector of type complex
checkCount() check_count() assertCount() assert_count() testCount() test_count() expect_count()
Check if an argument is a count
checkDataFrame() check_data_frame() assertDataFrame() assert_data_frame() testDataFrame() test_data_frame() expect_data_frame()
Check if an argument is a data frame
checkDataTable() check_data_table() assertDataTable() assert_data_table() testDataTable() test_data_table() expect_data_table()
Check if an argument is a data table
checkDate() check_date() assertDate() assert_date() testDate() test_date() expect_date()
Check that an argument is a Date
checkDirectoryExists() check_directory_exists() assertDirectoryExists() assert_directory_exists() testDirectoryExists() test_directory_exists() expect_directory_exists() checkDirectory() assertDirectory() assert_directory() testDirectory() test_directory() expect_directory()
Check for existence and access rights of directories
checkDisjunct() check_disjunct() assertDisjunct() assert_disjunct() testDisjunct() test_disjunct() expect_disjunct()
Check if an argument is disjunct from a given set
checkDouble() check_double() assertDouble() assert_double() testDouble() test_double() expect_double()
Check that an argument is a vector of type double
checkEnvironment() check_environment() assertEnvironment() assert_environment() testEnvironment() test_environment() expect_environment()
Check if an argument is an environment
checkFALSE() check_false() assertFALSE() assert_false() testFALSE() test_false()
Check if an argument is FALSE
checkFactor() check_factor() assertFactor() assert_factor() testFactor() test_factor() expect_factor()
Check if an argument is a factor
checkFileExists() check_file_exists() assertFileExists() assert_file_exists() testFileExists() test_file_exists() expect_file_exists() checkFile() assertFile() assert_file() testFile() expect_file()
Check existence and access rights of files
checkFlag() check_flag() assertFlag() assert_flag() testFlag() test_flag() expect_flag()
Check if an argument is a flag
checkFormula() check_formula() assertFormula() assert_formula() testFormula() test_formula() expect_formula()
Check if an argument is a formula
checkFunction() check_function() assertFunction() assert_function() testFunction() test_function() expect_function()
Check if an argument is a function
checkInt() check_int() assertInt() assert_int() testInt() test_int() expect_int()
Check if an argument is a single integerish value
checkInteger() check_integer() assertInteger() assert_integer() testInteger() test_integer() expect_integer()
Check if an argument is vector of type integer
checkIntegerish() check_integerish() assertIntegerish() assert_integerish() testIntegerish() test_integerish() expect_integerish()
Check if an object is an integerish vector
checkList() check_list() assertList() assert_list() testList() test_list() expect_list()
Check if an argument is a list
checkLogical() check_logical() assertLogical() assert_logical() testLogical() test_logical() expect_logical()
Check if an argument is a vector of type logical
checkMatrix() check_matrix() assertMatrix() assert_matrix() testMatrix() test_matrix() expect_matrix()
Check if an argument is a matrix
checkMultiClass() check_multi_class() assertMultiClass() assert_multi_class() testMultiClass() test_multi_class() expect_multi_class()
Check the class membership of an argument
checkNamed() check_named() assertNamed() assert_named() testNamed() test_named()
Check if an argument is named
checkNames() check_names() assertNames() assert_names() testNames() test_names() expect_names()
Check names to comply to specific rules
checkNull() check_null() assertNull() assert_null() testNull() test_null()
Check if an argument is NULL
checkNumber() check_number() assertNumber() assert_number() testNumber() test_number() expect_number()
Check if an argument is a single numeric value
checkNumeric() check_numeric() assertNumeric() assert_numeric() testNumeric() test_numeric() expect_numeric()
Check that an argument is a vector of type numeric
checkOS() check_os() assertOS() assert_os() testOS() test_os() expect_os()
Check the operating system
checkPOSIXct() check_posixct() assertPOSIXct() assert_posixct() testPOSIXct() test_posixct() expect_posixct()
Check that an argument is a date/time object in POSIXct format
checkPathForOutput() check_path_for_output() assertPathForOutput() assert_path_for_output() testPathForOutput() test_path_for_output() expect_path_for_output()
Check if a path is suited for creating an output file
checkPermutation() check_permutation() assertPermutation() assert_permutation() testPermutation() test_permutation() expect_permutation()
Check if the arguments are permutations of each other.
checkR6() check_r6() assertR6() assert_r6() testR6() test_r6() expect_r6()
Check if an argument is an R6 class
checkRaw() check_raw() assertRaw() assert_raw() testRaw() test_raw() expect_raw()
Check if an argument is a raw vector
checkScalar() check_scalar() assertScalar() assert_scalar() testScalar() test_scalar() expect_scalar()
Check if an argument is a single atomic value
checkScalarNA() check_scalar_na() assertScalarNA() assert_scalar_na() testScalarNA() test_scalar_na() expect_scalar_na()
Check if an argument is a single missing value
checkSetEqual() check_set_equal() assertSetEqual() assert_set_equal() testSetEqual() test_set_equal() expect_set_equal()
Check if an argument is equal to a given set
checkString() check_string() assertString() assert_string() testString() test_string() expect_string()
Check if an argument is a string
checkSubset() check_subset() assertSubset() assert_subset() testSubset() test_subset() expect_subset()
Check if an argument is a subset of a given set
checkTRUE() check_true() assertTRUE() assert_true() testTRUE() test_true()
Check if an argument is TRUE
checkTibble() check_tibble() assertTibble() assert_tibble() testTibble() test_tibble() expect_tibble()
Check if an argument is a tibble
checkVector() check_vector() assertVector() assert_vector() testVector() test_vector()
Check if an argument is a vector
checkmate checkmate-package
checkmate: Fast and Versatile Argument Checks
Coalesce operator
makeAssertion() makeAssertionFunction()
Turn a Check into an Assertion
makeExpectation() makeExpectationFunction()
Turn a Check into an Expectation
makeTest() makeTestFunction()
Turn a Check into a Test
Partial Argument Matching
qassert() qtest() qexpect()
Quick argument checks on (builtin) R types
qassertr() qtestr() qexpectr()
Quick recursive arguments checks on lists and data frames
Select Backend for Unit Tests
Lookup a variable name
wf() wl()
Get the index of the first/last TRUE